Hassle free salary payout and a clear cost overview

Make your house a home while we do the paperwork for you

We understand how it feels to come to a new country and get confused, lost, and frustrated with all tax laws, bureaucratic requirements, deadlines, and penalties.

We’ve been in your shoes. We’ll help you relocate your family while feeling safe, secure, and stress-free.



Moving your home to another
country is far from easy


Moving is one of the top five stressful events in one’s life. Also starting a new job is one of the top ten.


Adding a new language, new country, and a whole new bureaucracy system could only intensify this top list.


Feeling incompetent, stuck, and lost is often a feeling of every expat during the transfer period.


Feeling vulnerable and not welcome could be a feeling you experience if you are not able to adapt fast to a new system.

Overcome the obstacles

Finding the right match can be real challenging. After finding the right match, the contract and administration part will start, this might be even more challenging. 

DutchHaven can support you with patrolling, invoices and contract management. We can provide you with a clear cost calculation, latest knowledge about law & regulations and cost saving. 

Get yourself a consultant that will thoughtfully explain all possible solutions to your problems during this process.

Dutch Haven is your safe harbour, we’ll help you to get things done

Outsourcing your staffing needs, will make your life easier:

You get:

The process is easy:

Schedule a meeting with a consultant

Allow us to create a customized plan

Let's execute the plan together

during your expat journey

Let us know what are your needs, so we can offer you a solid plan.
